Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Pre-Show

Well, the adventure began even before we left the US. We had been waiting for several months to hear back from Henry, our contact in Korea, about a teaching position. Since he stopped responding to our emails, we decided to write our American TESOL Institute (ATI) contact in Thailand and ask her what was going on. We finally received an email from her 6 days before we were supposed to leave. It said that since they could not find us a job in Korea, we should postpone the trip to Thailand until September, and then re-apply for jobs in Korea next March! This came as quite a shock, obviously.
We decided that we still really wanted to go to Asia this year, so we asked her to try finding us a job any where she could, and prayed that God would lead. Finally, about 32 hours before our plane was scheduled to leave Denver, she responded and told us to come to Thailand.
So here is the new plan (at least until it changes again): We are going to Chiangmai, Thailand to receive our TESOL certificates. Then, we will hopefully teach somewhere in Thailand for 4-5 months, and maybe re-apply for a job in South Korea after that.
What have we learned through all this? We know that God knows what he is doing, and that we can trust him no matter what. Also, we have no idea what this year will hold, so it will be as much a surprise to us as we write this blog as to you that read it.
Love you all!
John and Dana

1 comment:

  1. C'est très sympa de pouvoir avoir de vos nouvelles. Rester en Thaïlande 4 ou 5 mois de plus... Ça m'a l'air plutôt sympa même s'il va falloir s'adapter à la chaleur. En tout cas, vous avez l'air heureux tous les deux. C'est le plus important. Je suis impatiente de lire la suite. Profitez bien!
