Thursday, February 23, 2012

A month in pictures together with our friends Nate and Kanya who now live in China and had a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement.
 ...made cool pipe cleaner glasses.
 ... found a great Korean restaurant near church and were reminded of the fun times we had with Nikki in Korea last year.
 ...went to a nearby coffee shop for a date. The lady who works there has a crush on John. Everytime we go, she makes elaborate coffee art on John's coffee, then brings it out and places it right in front of him, to make sure we don't get confused and think it's meant for Dana. Perhaps you can see that his coffee says "Happy Valentine Day."
 ...went on a field trip to an aquarium.
 ... made dinosaur fossils in class.
 ...hung out in the teacher's room.
 ...ate yummy Thai food.
 ...took funny pics with the kids.
...and cute ones too.

This month, we also: 
  • got the good news that school is cancelled on Saturdays for the month of March, so we only have one more Saturday to go!
  • got our first flat tire on the bike, which turned into quite an adventure trying to walk it the the nearest bike repair shop (since, of course, we had no idea where that was!)
  • bought our camper van for Europe. Yeah! 

1 comment:

  1. I love all of your pictures! Sounds like you guys are loving Thailand as much as possible! :) Love to you both. :)
