Saturday, December 8, 2012

Thai Gingerbread House

A few years ago, John and I created a new Christmas tradition for our house: we design and build a gingerbread bread inspired by our travels or places we have lived. In 2009, we made a French farmhouse:
We obviously haven't been able to do this for the past two years in Thailand. The ingredients cost a fortune, we didn't have an oven, and anyway, it would have melted in the heat and invited all the ants in the neighborhood into our apartment (not to mention less pleasant critters).

So this year, we were super excited to continue our tradition, and decided create a traditional Thai house along the river. I designed the pattern, we went to the stores and bought our ingredients, and then spread the actual baking and construction over a week since John is so busy these days. Here's what we did:

 Baking the dough: we used up 1 1/3 cups molasses and 9 cups flour!
 John using his muscles to roll it out!
Decorating the ground
 Construction has begun!!
 Time for a milk and cheesecake break!
 Stay, candy cane! Stay!!
 Setting up the stilts
 Hoping the stilts will actually hold up the house...
Et voila!! A Thai Gingerbread house!! Isn't it cute? I especially like our coconut tree that is shorter than the house, and the stuff floating in the water. We still want to go to the store and get some candy crocodiles!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks like a lot of work, but the result looks like a masterpiece! I don't think I've ever seen a traditional Thai house done in gingerbread. Hope you're having a merry Christmas season!^^
